Monday, November 12, 2007

Baby Starfish

Baby Starfish
Originally uploaded by m0nk3yphd

Antara is AMAZING.
Are you sensing a theme? Because I am!
Zach was born and you guys totally blew craft magic out of the water.
I stand in awe. Baby starfish says thank you. ;)


First Quilt!
Originally uploaded by m0nk3yphd

No, seriously she is. Amazing. Because do you see this quilt? Ignore the cute baby in the middle. Focus on the quilt. It is incredible. And Jen made it. I joke not. She's fantastic. The animals are mostly hand applique and made of minkee, which is so soft I want to touch it all the time. And its adorable. A labor of love. We promise to be good to it.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Cutie Pie

Originally uploaded by Niais

This is a peapod sweater I knitted for Zachary. Still a little big. I'm hoping these settings work better .....

Peapod Set for Zachary

Hmmm, messing around with flickr... nothing is ever as easy as it seems...