Baby Starfish
Baby Starfish
Originally uploaded by m0nk3yphd
Antara is AMAZING.
Are you sensing a theme? Because I am!
Zach was born and you guys totally blew craft magic out of the water.
I stand in awe. Baby starfish says thank you. ;)
How many graduate students does it take to make a quilt? Or knit an afghan? Or teach you how to knit? Well, there are at least three here who are ready to find the answer...
Antara is AMAZING.
Are you sensing a theme? Because I am!
Zach was born and you guys totally blew craft magic out of the water.
I stand in awe. Baby starfish says thank you. ;)
No, seriously she is. Amazing. Because do you see this quilt? Ignore the cute baby in the middle. Focus on the quilt. It is incredible. And Jen made it. I joke not. She's fantastic. The animals are mostly hand applique and made of minkee, which is so soft I want to touch it all the time. And its adorable. A labor of love. We promise to be good to it.
This is a peapod sweater I knitted for Zachary. Still a little big. I'm hoping these settings work better .....